Livin Life

Perspective Check

Perspective is something I have been thinking a lot about and focusing on lately. When is the last time you stopped to hear what that little voice in the back of your mind is saying? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it bitter? Is it sad? Is it happy? Time for a perspective check!… Continue reading Perspective Check

anxiety · Livin Life

What The Heck Is Anxiety? Why Is The Feeling So Hard to Explain?

  If you have never had a full blown anxiety attack before then I don't blame you for not understanding it. It is a hard feeling to explain, let alone a concept to grasp. I have always had anxiety but it hasn't been until recently that it has really impacted my life. I explain it… Continue reading What The Heck Is Anxiety? Why Is The Feeling So Hard to Explain?


Let’s Be Honest. A Love Letter to My Latte Lovers

Well, the truth is life as a 23-year-old tends to be A LOT easier to write about and share than a 30-something. From challenging break-ups, questionable career decisions, falling in love, making new friends, losing old friends, moving to the city of my dreams with the man of my dreams, battling anxiety and depression, and… Continue reading Let’s Be Honest. A Love Letter to My Latte Lovers